Step Forward. Help Us Take The Next Step. - Annual Fund 2024-2025 American Heritage Museum and Collings Foundation
Feeling the cold of winter? Think of the guys caught in the Battle of the Bulge!Join us tomorrow, February 12, 1:00pm to 2:30pm, for an engaging talk by Dr. Michael Hirsh about Battle of the Bulge with a particular focus on a nurse whose important role in helping Allied soldiers survive was never given its proper due until 10 years ago.Dr. Hirsh will discuss the development of this battle and how this ultimate Allied victory could have turned into a defeat. He will also talk about the role of some “unsung heroes” in helping secure the victory using their medical skills. See: www.americanheritagemuseum.org/event/speaker-series-the-forgotten-angel-of-bastogne/ ... See MoreSee Less
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82 years ago this week marks the pivotal end of the Battle of Stalingrad, a major turning point in World War II. On February 2nd, 1943, the German 6th Army surrendered to Soviet forces, marking the end of the fierce and bloody battle. The American Heritage Museum features a rare Soviet T-34-76 tank and other artifacts in our Eastern Front Gallery to recount this historic WWII clash. ... See MoreSee Less
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In honor of Black History Month, we highlight six African Americans who made a significant impact during key wars in U.S. history. Read more: www.americanheritagemuseum.org/2025/02/black-history-month-heroes-in-u-s-military-history/ ... See MoreSee Less
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80 years ago today, the Soviet Army liberates Auschwitz on January 27, 1945, uncovering the largest Nazi concentration and extermination camp. Located in occupied Poland, Auschwitz had become a symbol of the Holocaust, where over 1.1 million people, mostly Jews, were murdered. As the Soviets advanced, the Nazis evacuated many prisoners in death marches, leaving thousands behind in horrific conditions. The liberators found emaciated survivors, evidence of mass atrocities, and warehouses filled with victims' belongings. Auschwitz’s liberation exposed the scale of Nazi crimes to the world. It is because of this, this day is now recognized as International Holocaust Remembrance Day. ... See MoreSee Less
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Experience military history from the Roman Empire, 1400 years before the birth of the United States this Saturday at the American Heritage Museum. The Legion III Cyrenaica living history group will be with us on Saturday, January 25th from 11am to 3pm to share with our visitors the history of ancient Rome, its military, and culture. They will be on hand to answer questions and interact with visitors throughout the day and is included with standard museum admission for the day. Learn more at: www.americanheritagemuseum.org/event/the-romans-are-coming/ ... See MoreSee Less
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“America was built on courage, on imagination and an unbeatable determination to do the job at hand.”
-Harry S. Truman, 33rd President of the United States

The story of America is one of resilience, courage, and a steadfast willingness to step forward in times of great need. Time and again, when called upon, ordinary citizens have shown extraordinary generosity—of their time, talents, and resources. In the same spirit that our forefathers once rallied for their country, we ask you to join us in preserving their stories and sacrifices by supporting the American Heritage Museum during this season of giving.

From the Revolutionary War, when farmers and tradesmen answered the call to arms, to World War II, when millions of Americans left the safety of their homes to fight tyranny on a global scale, the American spirit has always been one of voluntary service. The same impulse moved first responders and ordinary citizens to act heroically during the tragic events of 9/11, rushing toward danger to protect their fellow citizens. These defining moments remind us of the power of America’s collective will and selflessness.

A living tribute

Today, we stand on the shoulders of these giants, charged with ensuring that their stories continue to inspire future generations. The American Heritage Museum is not just a repository of artifacts; it is a living tribute to the sacrifices made for freedom. From the tanks that rolled across Europe during D-Day to the planes that patrolled our skies in defense of liberty, our museum brings history to life.

But just as our nation’s freedom was secured by the hands of many, so too is the future of this museum. Without support by any national, state, or local government or any branch of the armed forces, we rely on the voluntary generosity of donors like you to keep our exhibits vibrant, our collections growing, and educational programs thriving. In this way, you are continuing the legacy of those who stepped forward when their country needed them.

On the eve of an historic milestone

This is especially important as we enter the 80th Anniversary of the end of World War II and the 250th Anniversary of the beginning of the American Revolutionary War. Programs to honor and celebrate these historically significant events are part of our core mission and will require more support from donors like you to accomplish.

Your contribution to our Annual Fund helps ensure that we preserve these stories of valor, expand our educational outreach, and inspire the next generation to understand and cherish the freedoms that are so dearly won.

Will you step forward this year and support this mission with a gift to our Annual Fund?

By making a tax-deductible donation today, you become an essential part of keeping the American spirit alive within these museum walls, where history is not just remembered, but felt, honored, and passed on.

Just as our forefathers stepped up in the face of adversity, your generosity today allows us to honor the past and safeguard our future. Thank you for standing with us and ensuring that these vital stories of courage and sacrifice are never be forgotten.

Thank you for stepping forward and standing with us.

Our growth depends on your generosity, select from the options below to give today. 
Make a Donation - Support the American Heritage Museum and Collings Foundation - Donate to Annual Fund, Memorial Gifts, Restricted Gifts of Support

Make a General Donation to the Annual Fund Online

Make a donation online to our Annual Fund to make an immediate impact with the American Heritage Museum and Collings Foundation.

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Make a Donation in Memory or in Honor of Someone - Support the American Heritage Museum and Collings Foundation - Memorial and Honored Donations

Make a Memorial or Honored Donation

Make a donation to the American Heritage Museum and Collings Foundation in memory of a loved one or in honor of someone special.

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Make a Donation by Mail / Check

If you would rather make a donation by check through the mail, please click here to print a donation form to mail in to support the American Heritage Museum and Collings Foundation.

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Other Ways to Donate by Stocks, Securities, Individual Retirement Accounts (IRA) as a QCD, Donor Advised Funds (DAF), and Crypto / Cryptocurrency - Support the American Heritage Museum and Collings Foundation - Support our Mission through Other Ways to Make a Gift

Other Ways to Donate!

Make a donation of stocks or securities, from your Individual Retirement Account (IRA) or Donor Advised Fund (DAF) or donate crypto currency… learn more at this link.

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OPEN MONDAY for MLK Day - Monday, January 20, 2025

We will be open on Monday, January 20th for Martin Luther King Jr. Day from 10am to 5pm. A great opportunity for families to visit on the school break. Buy tickets at the Admissions Desk or save $2 per ticket by buying online!